No, there’s no single law across the whole USA that says driving with headphones is illegal. But! And it is a big fat but, and that’s just because this can also depend upon where you live. See, there are some states in the country that are super strict on just about everything related to driving, but some don’t care as long as you’re being careful and not messing things up when you’re driving down the road. See, the idea of just plugging in your headphones, listening to your favourite playlist or some podcast or something like that and going on that long drive seems like a good and pretty interesting one, but we want to make sure that while doing so, you’re not breaking any law. So, let’s just get to that.
State Laws Explained About This Drive With Headphones Thing
As we pretty much gave it away in the introduction part, yes, it is true that the driving rules are a bit different in every state across the country. And just to be clear here, you see, there is not a single or even a big law that clearly mentions that while you’re driving on the roads of the United States of America, you can’t use headphones. None!
But then you have some rules like the one in California where they say that you can’t drive while using headphones or earbuds covering both of your ears. And just so we’re clear here, yes, it is actually written in the California Vehicle Code 27400. On the other hand, there are some places like Louisiana, Maryland, Minnesota, Virginia, and Washington, where it is made kinda illegal, and if you’re seen using headphones or earbuds when driving, you’ll be hit with a fine right away.
And sure enough, then there are states like Texas or New Hampshire, which don’t care much about you or anyone using headphones or earbuds when driving, so if you’re from these states, you’re pretty much good to go. But still, since every state has different rules regarding this, we’d advise you to check out the Department of Motor Vehicles website, just to be clear about it all.
Why Safety Matters, Like, What’s Really Wrong With Using Headphones When Driving?
To be honest, no matter if it is legal or illegal to use headphones when driving, you must still consider the safety factor. Why? Oh, well that’s just because IT IS RISKY to drive like that. Not just risky for you but for others on the road too.
Like, it could be that you’re driving down the road, but there is some ambulance or fire truck behind you waiting for you to give them a side so they can help those who’re in need. But nah! You’re chilling in your car like a king/queen with those headphones plugged in at full volume. Just tell us, doesn’t that sound morally wrong to you?
And it happens that sometimes there are drivers who warn you about something on the road or try to communicate by honking horns, but if you have your headphones plugged in, you can’t hear anything. And just like that, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration also says that headphones can distract you, just like texting while driving.
As per a trusted report from 2022, that year alone, this distracted driving actually took over more than 3,000 people’s lives right here in the United States. 3000 people? That’s just sad! So next time you’re on the road, we’d like you to remember these things and think about it for a sec before you bring out your headphones and plug them in once again.